Thursday, November 6, 2008

Questioning HIV/AIDS: Morally Reprehensible or Scientifically Warranted?

Questioning HIV/AIDS: Morally Reprehensible or
Scientifically Warranted?
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 12 Number 4
Winter 2007

Henry H. Bauer, Ph.D.

"...As already
noted, from the very beginning defenders of the mainstream
consensus have steadily declined, indeed specifically refused to
engage in substantive discussion.
We will not:
Engage in any public or private debate with AIDS
denialists or respond to requests from journalists who overtly supportAIDS denialist causes. The reasons are:
1. The debate has been settled: HIVcausesAIDS….
2. The information proving the above is already in the
peer-reviewed science literature….
3. Our time is better spent conducting research into
HIV/AIDS and/or educating the general public…."

"...The HIV =AIDS believers insist that the mainstream consensus
is so overwhelming that dissentersmust bewrong. History of science
is not kind to this argument. As scientific understanding has
advanced, sooner or later the most firmly held mainstream views
have been modified, indeed often overturned completely. Near the
end of the 19 century it was the consensus that all the major
discoveries had already been made—just before the Second
Scientific Revolution turned on their heads the firmly held beliefs
about atoms and much else. Medical science firmly believed that
schizophrenia could be cured by infecting the sufferer with malaria
(Nobel Prize, 1927) or by cutting out bits of brain (Nobel Prize, 1949)
before settling—for themoment?—on drugs.Diseases like mad cow
disease were firmly believed to be caused by lentiviruses (Nobel
Prize, 1976) until the firm belief became that they are caused not by
viruses but by prions (Nobel Prize, 1997). The proper, historically
informed questions to ask are:How likely is it that HIV/AIDS theory
will be significantly modified at some future time? What is likely to
stimulate modification?When is that likely to happen?..."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Isolation of HIV

Dr. Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Dr. Valendar F. Turner , Dr.John M. Papadimitriou , Dr.David Causer
 Department of Medical Physics,  Department of Emergency Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia;  Department of Pathology, University of Western Australia.


"...The definite existence of any virus, including a retrovirus, can be proven only by isolating it. For nearly half a century retroviruses have been isolated by banding in density gradients. It is accepted that the procedures incorporated into this method, which is by no means perfect, have not been followed by the researchers who claim isolation of the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. Nonetheless, it is said that at present, there is ample evidence that HIV has been isolated and shown to be a unique exogenous retrovirus.1  ..."

"...Although the HIV/AIDS experts, including Montagnier, Gallo and BarrĂ©-Sinoussi claim that RT is "unique to retroviruses" and "the hall-mark of a retrovirus", 6-8 this is not the case, a fact accepted by some of the best known scientists. 9 "Reverse transcriptase (RT) was first discovered as an essential catalyst in the biological cycle of retro-viruses. However, in the past years, evidence has accumulated showing that RTs are involved in a surprisingly large number of RNA-mediated transcriptional events that include both viral and nonviral genetic entities...the possibility that reverse transcription first took place in the early Archean" is supported by a number of facts and "the hypothesis that RNA preceded DNA as cellular genetic material". 10..."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

HIV and "Responsible Journalism"

HIV Science and Responsible Journalism
XVI International AIDS Conference
August 13, 2006


...The reporting of AIDS denialists has highlighted some important differences in the way in which medical scientists and reporters on medical science and their respective editors perceive and assess the import and accuracy of information. Clearly both have essential roles in free societies. But at what point can scientific controversies be considered settled? What criteria should be used in judging the validity of criticisms leveled by outsiders against the scientific establishment? What are the responsibilities of medical scientists, journalists and their editors, as both scientific journal editors and editors in the lay press, in keeping the public informed on these controversies and on the progress of the epidemic...."

"...Dr. John Moore, who is a professor at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, recognized expert on HIV and who’s recent work has focused on the search for microbicides as a preventive measure for HIV infection...

...But let’s have no doubt about this — this is dangerous stuff. AIDS denialism kills. I’m going to review who they are, who they are not, how they operate, what are some of the untold stories, and what journalists need to be on the lookout for...

...Now when I say that denialism kills, thousands of South African adults and children have died of AIDS because of the flawed government policies on HIV and AIDS. Nathan will talk to you more about that, but the South African government has been heavily influenced over the past six or seven years by AIDS denialists...

...Now the AIDS denialists abuse the peer-reviewed literature. They abuse science. They cite only old, long refuted papers as if they still represented state of the art knowledge, which they don’t. So they argue that TB, malaria, leprosy, pregnancy cause false positive tests in an HIV assay.."
Reappraisal of AIDS - 
Is the Oxidation Induced by the Risk Factors the Primary Cause?

Dr. Eleni
 Papadopulos- Biophysicist; Perth, Western Australia

According to Gallo et al, "The epidemiology of this syndrome - that is, the increasing incidence and clustering of cases, particularly in New York and California -suggest the involvement of a transmissible agent (28). However, around the time of the first AIDS report two important changes took place in homosexual's lifestyle in these areas: increase in promiscuity and exposure to drugs, especially nitrites (29,30). Although nitrites came into use in the United States in the late 1960's their use became widespread around 1975. It is of great interest that the latency for appearance of KS in patients treated with immunosuppressive agents for organ transplantation appears to be the same as that between homosexual exposure to nitrites and appearance of AIDS.